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PMI Project in India:
Covenant Children's Home

The ministry of Covenant Children's Home is to reach out to children whose parents were killed in the gruesome civil war of 1997-1998 in Manipur, and also to children of victims of AIDS, the prevailing virulent disease of the day. Most of these orphans are sick and lack even the essentials for life and good health; they face a lifetime of suffering and hardship. There is so little for those who need so much. Without the ministry of the Home, their future is doubly bleak because Manipur, besides being the home of several rebel groups, and a trade route of drugs from Myanmar to international markets, nurtures many social evils such as theft, robbery, drugs, and prostitution, which could easily ensnare innocent victims for life. The Home aims to provide a safe haven and hope for the future by giving wholesome care to these children, with the ultimate end of molding them into self-reliant adults, and most importantly, of bringing them to Christ.


Presently, the Home has 400 orphans who come from different parts of Manipur and Mizoram; their ages range from five to fourteen. Selection for the Home is based on a personal interview with the board, a case study of the past life of each child, and spot verification. The children attend Covenant School, just across the street from the Home. More than 300 orphans are currently on the waiting list. These orphans' need is real, and there is great pressure to take them in. We at the Home hold high hopes that funds will come in to realize our dream of serving a minimum of 300-400 orphans in the Home. You can give these orphans the chance to learn and get basic health services, and to be encouraged, loved, guided and valued. In short, with your help, the lives of these orphans can be saved.

Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Covenant Children's Home
c/o Head Office of PCI (R)
New Lamka, Manipur 795 128, India.

Mobile Phone: 011-91-98620-88190 or 011-91-97744-82979

E-mail Address:

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